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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Strange Combi Salad

This is an almost perfect salad for a hot summer day. The combination might be strange but believe me, they marry well.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Swiss Roll Mania !!

Think I caught the swiss roll virus that's been circulating around.

Made 2 versions - a classic sponge and a chiffon method.
I personally prefer the roll from classic sponge method.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wild Plums (Sauce)

These may look like cherries but they're not. They are very ripe wild plums.  The locals tell me they're not suitable for consumption; hinting about them being poisonous. What rubbish !!   Birds and bees were swarming over them like in an openair rock concert, none seems to be dead or dying.  I plucked a handful, ate them, waited for an hour  and I started to get hungry.  Hungry for more plums.  Taste wise, they're more sour than the ordinary table plums.  Texture of fruit is crunchy (very sour) when green and very mushy when ripe (still sour).
Dear daughter plucked a huge bowl  for me to put them to good use.  And I did.